It's impossible to talk about Ghost Trick (2023)

Ghost Trick is a good game. I recommend it wholeheartedly. I just can't state why because one can't talk about it. The restraint is actually real this time.

It's impossible to talk about Ghost Trick (2023)
This article includes a short video clip that contains flashing lights, which may affect viewers who are susceptible to photosensitivities.

Whenever I engage with a piece of media, I find myself having at least some specific expectations. Especially if the piece was recommended to me by another person. They might mention a few specific details to catch my interest. Sometimes I'm quite familiar with the media piece, maybe because it's already quite old - or maybe because it has already been discussed loudly and often due to the impact it has had on people.

Before I played Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, I've only known two things about it:
First, it was a game that had previously been released for the 3DS.
Second, the fan base tends to be actively refuse to start a discussion about the game if you haven't played it yourself.

And I have to say now that I've played the game myself... I completely understand. It's a lot harder to write about a narrative focused game, if you wish to refuse most, if not any, of the plot points. Yet, here we are. I've thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game, but I feel unable to actually state why. Telling anyone why I've enjoyed this game would be equal to me recommending someone a mystery novel by telling them about the chapter where the detective managed to deduce who and why the culprit committed the crime. It's counterproductive to the enjoyment of the narrative.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective actually manages to tell a story that I don't want to spoil in any way. The only thing I can do is to explain the gameplay loop as quickly as possible before reiterating: "Play Ghost Trick. It's brilliant."

The game's pitch?

You, the protagonist, are a ghost of the recently deceased, and you’re just about to witness someone else’s death.

Considering the state of your body, your wish to help her doesn’t seem to do much – or so you thought – until a different voice appears and explains to you the powers of the dead: You can move your soul to inhabit inanimate objects and manipulate them. You could call that a... “Ghost Trick”.

With this ability, you manage to save this stranger. They are the closest lead that you have to solve the biggest mystery at hand. They are your potential lead to solve your own murder.

What IS Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective?

Ghost Trick is a puzzle adventure, originally released internationally for the Nintendo DS in 2011 and published by Capcom. The creator of the game, Shu Takumi, is more famously known for his other work: The Ace Attorney Series. They share a certain charm, but their gameplay and approach to mystery is rather different...
A sentiment that the Ace Attorney Marketing Team seems to share, according to their recently released animated advertisement for all of Takumi's work:

Screenshot from "That's Wright!Ace Attorney TV", 5:40
"What's special about this stylish title is that unlike Ace Attorney games with their individual episodes, "Ghost Trick" focuses on only one grand story. - Miles Edgeworth (That's Wright! Ace Attorney TV, 5:00 - 07)

What is the game's draw?

The characters? The gameplay? The mystery? The artstyle? I can’t decide.

The characters are all memorable. The puzzle gameplay slowly increasing in complexity, but always giving you the chance to try again if needed. Truly, the balance between exposition and puzzles was well done and the OST by Masakazu Sugimori never disappointed.

How does it play?

You are a ghost. You can perform tricks.
The gameplay consists of navigating the space you’re in through the ghost world and use your tricks to either help you navigate this space, or to manipulate objects as a means of helping others out of potentially dangerous situations. The switch from the 'normal' world to the 'ghost world' is accentuated by a quick flash and a change of colour. The world being tinted red, while the inhabitable core of an object is shown in blue.

Your main goal is to learn more about yourself, and to uncover the mystery of your death... All the while, you feel like you’ve become part of some elaborate Rube Goldberg Machine - and I mean that in the best way possible.


One example of navigating the world of 'Ghost Trick' (TW: Flashing Lights) | No audio

Who'd be interested in this?

This is a great game for people that like fun and unique puzzle games, a well written mystery, and a cast of quirky characters.

Play Ghost Trick. It’s brilliant. I really shouldn't be saying more than that.

Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective (2023) is currently available for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PC (Windows), XBOX, and Android|iOS.